Holiday Closure

SJC will observe Spring Break from March 17-21, 2025. No classes will be held during this time, but all SJC campuses and offices will remain open with regular hours from Monday, March 17, through Thursday, March 20. On Friday, March 21, all SJC campuses and offices will be closed, with the exception of the HHPC.

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Access your SJC tax information through the Business Office

Important Tax Information

San Juan College is required to file a Form 1098-T with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for each student who enrolled and who had a reportable transaction.

Each student who qualifies for this informational statement will be mailed a copy of their 1098-T and will have a copy of their 1098-T available online. Students who sign up for electronic delivery of their 1098-T will have a copy available online and will not receive a paper copy.

To Access the Form Online Through Self-service

  • Log into MySJC
  • Click on click on the "Go to Self-Service for Students" button in the Self-Service for Students section.
  • Click on Tax Information
  • If necessary, select the 1098 information tab. 

Tax Information 

  • Click on the link for the tax year statement that you need.

Important Note: For best viewing use Internet Explorer and Adobe pdf Reader.

In order for the IRS to properly process your tax return, a current Tax Identification Number (Social Security Number or ITIN) must be provided to the College. Please contact enrollment services to update your Tax Identification Number.

The college cannot answer questions about your tax return. For questions about 1098-T tax forms, you can find information on the IRS website at You may also find answers by using the resources outlined on the IRS tax law questions web page located here: You can also consult with a tax professional for other questions related to your tax return.

Enrollment services can be contacted by phone at (505) 566-3300, (505) 566-3530, or in person in the Educational Services Building.

Frequently asked 1098-T Questions

What is a form 1098-T?
The 1098-T is an informational statement that has been furnished to you by an eligible educational institution in which you are enrolled, or by an insurer who makes reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses to you. This form will be made available on or before January 31.

Why is the College asking for my Tax Identification Number?
The IRS can impose a penalty up to $100 per 1098-T form for missing or incorrect SSN/ITINs. Any penalties assessed by the IRS may be passed along to you if you fail to provide this information.

Why didn’t I get a 1098-T?
Check to see if there is a 1098-T available online. There are many reasons why a student may not receive a 1098-T, but the most common reasons are:

  • The student did not have a reportable transaction in the calendar year for which the 1098-T applies
  • The address on file was incorrect
  • The address on file was invalid
  • The Tax Identification Number on file is invalid
  • The 1098-T was available online

If you believe that you should have received a 1098-T, contact the business office at (505) 566-3396.

Why don’t my spring charges appear on my current 1098-T?
The 1098-T includes all charges during the calendar year in which they were billed. If you registered for spring courses during the previous fall semester, those charges would have appeared on the 1098-T issued for the previous tax year.

I graduated in May, but did not receive a 1098-T, why?
The most common reason is that the reportable transactions were billed in the prior year and appeared on the prior year’s 1098-T statement.

I graduated in May, but my 1098-T only reflects my financial aid, why?
The amounts billed for tuition could have appeared on the prior year’s 1098-T statement, but the financial aid payments occurred after January 1 and are reflected on your current 1098-T.

How can I get assistance understanding my 1098-T?
Consult a tax professional if you have questions on how this form impacts your tax return. You may also find answers by using the resources outlined on the IRS tax law questions web page located here: The college also has a volunteer income tax assistance program. These volunteers may be able to answer some questions. Call (505) 566-3119 for the current year’s hours of availability and location.

I cannot log into my college account anymore, why?
The most likely problem is that your password has expired. Contact the College helpdesk at (505) 566-3266 for assistance with your account.

My employer, High school, or another sponsor paid for my tuition and related expenses, why am I receiving a 1098-T?
The most common reason is a timing issue. For example if you registered for a class in December of 2020 and those charges were not billed until January of 2021 you would receive a 1098-T that reflects the Tuition but not the sponsor payment. It is your responsibility to inform your tax preparer of this unique situation.

Bookstore purchases are not reflected on my 1098-T, why?
The IRS rules regarding books are different for each individual taxpayer’s circumstances. You should consult a tax professional or the IRS website for the current year’s rules under your circumstances.

I need my statements for each semester in this tax reporting year. How can I get this information?
The easiest way to do this is by visiting MySJC. Go to the Self-Service Menu and select Student Finance.

From Self-Service, click the link for the term on the Account Summary Page. See Figure 3 below. Then click the View Statement Link

  • You can change the term on this page to view statements for all terms that you may need information

screenshot of self service menu to access account summary info


Phone: (505) 566-3396

Educational Services Center
Room 4149

M-W, F: 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Th: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.